Tres Osos

Tres Osos has been thriving since 2003 among premium vineyards in the small community of Carmel Valley within Monterey County…….not the Mediterranean, but close enough to provide superb wines and great olive oil. We have been very fortunate to have lived and worked here since the 1970s but never fully appreciated what the big picture was and the blessings that Mother Nature has provided until actually “working” the land and feeling what the terroir had to offer to us strictly amateur olive growers.
Tuscan varietals were suggested and that’s what we planted…. about 2000 of them on the south facing slopes. We asked for trees that would give us a fairly strong oil but also wanted an unmistakable flavor. We have both, and have managed every year to produce award-winning oils AND acquiring customers who have appreciated them. What more validation does a small producer need?

We have been certified organic and extra virgin since the first harvest and qualify for those standards every year. Without a doubt these qualifications are very important as a producer. Every year this is validated by new customers who ask us if, first of all, are we standing members of the COOC and secondly if we are an organic farming enterprise. The COOC has done the work, and continues to do the work, getting the word out and setting quality standards that make our customers really believe in the COOC Seal. The standards we work towards are those that give us a very large separation from much of the international contributors to the olive oil market. We vow to continue meeting those standards every season.