Twister Sprayers USA
Twister Sprayers USA LLC, Dupont Court, Manteca, CA, USA (map)
Services: Consulting, Equipment & Fabrication
| Services Description: PTO drive pull tank orchard Turbo Sprayers, Atomizers & Air Blasters. We are a company that has revolutionized the traditional and obsolete systems that others continue to use in their equipment. Our company Mañez Y Lozano agricultural treatments was formed in 1961 with the project of carrying out phytosanitary treatments on our local farms. Due to the low performance of the sprayers of that time, Mañez Y Lozano designed their own equipment & manufactured the best specific pump on the market.
Through years of work and hands on know-how in this specific line of products, and using their manufacturing experience, in 1976 the current company was formed currently delivering Orchard spraying equipment to more than 20 countries. | Services Trade Name: EVOO Filtration consultant
Terms of Services: Consulting service for Olive Oil Filtration, two decades of experience in the Spanish markets.