Mangini Ranch

We are Alan and Kris Mangini the owners of Mangini Ranch in Wallace, CA.
Twenty years ago, Alan and I moved to a small town near Modesto and discovered Sciabica’s real California olive oil. We were amazed how much more tasty local olive oil is over imports. Even as we moved to other cities, we continued to only purchase olive oil from California producers.
Fast forward twelve years and we’re now living in Calaveras County. Imagine our good fortune when an olive orchard adjacent to our property became available. We purchased 6.5 acres of Mission, Manzanillo and Picholine trees planted in 1888. We spent the first few years restoring the beautiful trees and planting an additional acre of Picual olive trees.
In the beginning, we took our precious fruit to others for milling. After watching the process and attending classes at UC Davis, we opted to build our own mill with a Pieralisi olive mill and temperature-controlled storage. With guidance from the California Olive Oil Council and the Calaveras Agriculture Department, Mangini Ranch has consistently delivered award-winning California extra virgin olive oil.